It's Episode 031! Craig and Alex are back, Craig had a baby. Well, his partner did anyway. It's the Episode with the title card you'll have to listen to the whole thing to get. In this episode:
- Industry news
- We do not talk about the new Clay-Paky light, because I have conflicting information about it. Does it use a phosphor? Are there lasers? CP won't say.
- High End Systems Turbo Ray
- Vari-Lite 6500 Wash
- Bet VL didn't see the Turbo Ray coming!
- Fred Foster passed away in February
- Notable Tours
- The 1975 ABIIOR tour
- Is it called that? I keep seeing two different names for the thing.
- Tobias, are you listening? We like you <3
- More news
- Tea Time
- Staying healthy on the road, a discussion
- Send us your tips for staying healthy!
- Lighting trivia
- Lighting Term of the Day